Saturday, March 22, 2008

Who is your hero?

Ladies and gentlemen on this Easter weekend I ask this question.

Who is your hero?

These days its hard to pick a hero. Who is honest? Who has integrity?

Its hard because so many seem like they are doing good but in reality they aren't doing any good.

The term role model gets thrown around these days a little too much and quite frankly I do not like that. Role models should not be a person that hits a lot of homeruns then lies to the media and portrays themselves as the greatest of all time.

A hero should not be one that does not abide by the rules of marriage.

A hero would never leave a woman when she is carrying your child.

No ladies and gentlemen those are not heroes.

Let me tell you who my hero is and quite frankly who everyone's hero should be.

My hero is God. He never wavers. He never fails. He is always there when I need him.

So this Easter weekend I want you to think about who your heroes are and I want you to make a list in your head why they are your heroes.

However I will tell you this no matter how long that list is that list will never be as long as God's love for you.

Happy Easter and God Bless you all.

God Bless America,

Jet Patriot

Friday, March 21, 2008

Jet Patriot needs to appeal to the masses

Ladies and gentlemen I find myself in a bit of trouble. No not any kind of trouble that will do me harm, but trouble none the less.

I just started this blog today and I need to get out there to the masses and I need my voice to be heard. How to do that? I do not know...Help me fellow conservatives and freedom lovers help me get Jet Patriot in the hearts and minds of other people.

Like Uncle Sam I need YOU to be my voice and to be my grassroots campaign. Like I say in my bio my voice is your voice and without your voice and your passion for this great nation of ours my voice would not be this powerful.

Please send suggestions on how to get my blog noticed to

God Bless America,

Jet Patriot

Barack and The Preacher

Ladies and Gentleman I have been offended plenty of times in my life but recently I have been more than offended I have been knocked aback. If you have not heard of Reverend Hate AKA as Jeremiah Wright well then ladies and gentlemen prepare for your socks to be knocked off. If you have not seen this video I warn you folks because it is not for the faint of heart. These things spewed out of this man's mouth is vile, vulgar, and full of hatred ladies and gentlemen. So please watch and be appalled.

This man calls himself a man of God? This man dares to call himself a Preacher of the good word of God? Ladies and gentlemen this man does not speak for God. This man speaks for himself, he hates America, he lies to his followers, he is a racist, and he spews hatred. Hatred that one Democratic candidate Barak Obama has listened to for years.

Mr. Obama you are to tell me that for 20 years while you attended this man's "church" he never once spoke like this? Mr. Obama you are telling me that for 20 years this man has been holding this in and just so happens to let it all out now? Excuse me Mr. Obama if I find this all a little hard to believe.

Am I to believe that you never agreed with this man? If this were true you would have found a different church to attend. Instead Mr. Obama you stayed at this church. You stayed and you returned Sunday after Sunday. Am I to believe that after 20 years none of this hatred sunk into your core?

Mr. Obama I cannot trust you to run this country. I cannot trust that these thoughts that Rev. Hate spews on a weekly basis won't come out one day. I cannot trust that deep down you do feel some resentment. Towards what and who I cannot be the judge of that but I tell you what folks I don't wanna find out